Busting Brand Photography Myths

Let’s get to the truth about Brand Photography. Here are a few of the most common things I’ve had business owners tell me about why they DON’T need brand photography. (Foreshadowing…they do need it. And so does your business.)

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“My service/product speaks for itself, I don’t need brand photos.”

Visualize this for me…. Think about the grocery store. Think about how many different brands of coffee there are to choose from.

I think it’s pretty safe for me to bet that you don’t buy a different type of coffee every time you go shopping. Right? So if you stick to the same brand over and over again…why is that?

Does that brand always have a weekly coupon?
Does that brand always deliver when it comes to flavor?
Does that brand donate a percentage of its profits to a greater cause?
Is that brand a local business that you like to support?
Does that brand have funny names for its brews?

Chances are you’re not just glancing and choosing a coffee because “it speaks for itself.” There’s a reason you’re drawn to it, and keep purchasing it over and over again.

Your business is the same way. If you’re expecting to just put out your product/service without ANY other context as to why people should buy from you – you’re in for a low profit year.

Brand photography is a strategic way to give a full picture into why your brand strengthens your product/service. Thus – why they should buy from you and keep coming back.

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“I don’t want to distract from my product/service with other types of photos.”

Your brand is the glue between your product/service and the heart of your business. As Simon Sinek once said, “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” (watch the video to see his brilliant depiction of this) .

If you are constantly just shoving sales pitches into people’s faces, and never telling them WHY they should buy from you (aka your brand), then you’re not going to connect with people…and they’re not going to feel compelled to spend money on your product/service.

Did you know that 65% of the population are visual leaners?

So if you’re not investing in brand photography to showcase your WHY along with your product/service… then you’re doing yourself a big disservice. Your visual brand is a virtual handshake and welcome to new customers. Once you’ve made that handshake, it’s time to start a conversation.

“I don’t want to distract my customers from my products by putting my face on my brand.”

Sad to say, most people view businesses as faceless entities. They assume the business is just out to make a buck.

So what do you think happens when you share a photo of you hustling in your home office with your dog-co-worker at your feet? It HUMANIZES your business!

It makes people actually connect with you, and understand that there’s a person behind the business. Showing your face as part of your brand can have a HUGE impact on your audience.

They will feel more invested in supporting your business and cheering you on because you’re a REAL HUMAN!

Plus – did you know that the #1 page visited on a website is the home page…but the #2 page visited is the ABOUT ME page!? Yeah! People want to know WHO they’re engaging with in business.

It’s not just about the product or service. They want to know more about you and who you are as a person. So don’t be afraid to show up for them! Showing your face as part of your brand will build trust and rapport with your customers. Take the leap. It’s worth it!

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“Brand photography is too expensive.”

Here’s the deal-e-o… you don’t need to spend gobs of money to portray yourself as something you’re not. What do I mean by that?

Before your brand photography session:
You don’t need a whole new wardrobe.
You don’t need a new haircut.
You don’t need to rent a fancy car.
You don’t need to hire a hair/makeup artist to follow you around for the whole session.
You don’t need to rent a fancy location for your session.

TALK TO ME. This is part of my job as your brand photographer! We sort out all these details so that your session is AUTHENTIC to you and your brand!

Most people don’t want to see a fake, glamorized life anyways. They want to see the real you and the reality of your business. You are perfect just the way you are, and we will work together the collaborate on a plan for a flawless brand photoshoot.

So you’re saying “Bridget, even without all those things I think it’s too expensive.”

Ok darlin – let me ask you – how much is your time worth? How much is that stock photo subscription costing you? How much is your stress worth when you can’t find a photo of yourself that you like?

Investing in a professional photographer is going to be worth every penny.

Here’s why:

  1. Your brand photography session is usually about an hour. Within that hour we capture photos that you can use for years to come. Photos of you, your workspace, your products, flat-lays, and more.

  2. You get a gallery of CUSTOM photos, that no one else has, specifically curated for your brand. No longer are the hours lost searching stock photo sites for images that “feel like your brand” and hopefully no one else has used before.

  3. And now for the cherry on top – having professional photos of yourself that you feel like a POWERHOUSE in! Quit expecting your “Instagram-husband” to know how to find your flattering angles, find the best light, and capture candid moments. You deserve to enjoy the final images AND the process of taking them too!

Having images that serve your brand well, and make you feel like your best self are priceless.

How’re you feeling?

If you’re ready to book a brand photography session… contact me today!! I would LOVE to start on this journey with you to create the best possible visual representation for your business.


If you still have questions about why you need brand photography, contact me too! You can comment below, find me on Facebook or Instagram, give me a call or shoot me an email! There’s no cost to a conversation. And because I practice what I preach… go learn more about me! Can’t wait to connect with you!

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Bridget Dvorak