Learn to LOVE being in front of the camera!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had someone tell me “oh I just hate having my photo taken” or “I look terrible in photos, I hate them.” To which my response usually is “I think you haven’t had the right photographer yet.” Hopefully this blog will be a starting point to learn to LOVE being in front of the camera!

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I know that photos can be a stressful for a lot of people. I get it. You’ve probably had photos taken in the past that you didn’t like, or you thought were unflattering. It can be awkward to get in front of a camera if you don’t know about flattering angles or what to do with your hands.

That’s why I’ve compiled my top 5 ways to help guide you through your next photoshoot so you can overcome those fears and actually HAVE FUN in front of the camera!

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  1. Prepare for the session

    It’s natural for people to show up more confident to a situation if they feel prepared, rather than not. Flying by the seat of your pants works for some people – but I’d say the majority of the time, it’s WAY less stressful if you put some thought into your photoshoot.

    I help walk through this prep step with you, but here are some of the key things to check off the list before ever getting to your photoshoot.

    1. Create a mood board & share it with your photographer so you’re on the same page about the vision for the shoot. (Learn more about mood boards here).

    2. Know what props you want to bring so you’re not throwing stuff randomly into a bag the morning of your shoot.

    3. List out all the things you want to use your photos for. For example: upcoming launch of a new product, social media content, about me page on your website, etc.

    Once you have these key starting points listed out, you’ll be able to clearly communicate your vision with your team members, photographer, and yourself!! Preparing ahead of time gets everyone on the same page, and helps alleviate the stress that comes from last minute, thrown-together ideas.

2. Dress for success

Here’s the bottom line – wear something that makes you feel like an unstoppable, badass, unicorn of awesomeness!

The way you feel in your clothes is going to shine through in your face. So put on those polka-dot pants that make you feel like an energetic powerhouse. Throw on the blazer that makes you feel like you can conquer the world. Slip into that dress that makes you feel sexy! (Or excited because IT HAS POCKETS!)

If you still aren’t sure what to wear, have no fear! Get some inspiration here on my Pinterest. I have tons of boards for outfit inspiration for different seasons, types of shoots, for women and men, and more.

And if you STILL don’t feel like you know what to wear – call me! We can work out a plan together! The most important part is that you feel like your best self.

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3. Play to your strengths

You are unique. I know it. There is something about you that makes you stand out from the rest! So let’s use that to your advantage in your photoshoot!

People want to follow you and do business with you because of who YOU are!

So forget about what you’re “supposed to look like” or what you’re “supposed to do” at a photoshoot – and YOU DO YOU! I am all about embracing the weird that makes you you.

Plus – the more you lean into your authentic self, the more comfortable you’re going to feel in front of the camera. So let’s embrace your strengths! Normal, weird and everything in between!

4. Breathe, Stretch, Shake, Let It Go

Anyone else remember stepping onto the High School Gym dance floor to this hit in 2004?! That’s right baby! Breathe, Stretch, Shake, Let It Go!!! So why the hell am I getting an outdated Mase feat. P. Diddy song stuck in your head?... well… because it’s my next key step to learning to LOVE being in front of the camera! 

There is SO MUCH VALUE in learning to relax and have F.U.N. at your photoshoot!

I totally understand how much stress can accumulate leading up to a photoshoot. Between the planning, organizing, and simply showing up to be in front of the camera, it can be a lot!

But it is amazing to see how much of a difference it makes to just take a deeeeeep breath, remember that we CAN HAVE FUN at the shoot, and that it’s ok to have a few “out takes” from the day!

The more relaxed you are and more fun you’re having, the more you’re going to enjoy the photoshoot, and that WILL come through in your images. I am not opposed to singing this chorus & dancing at your shoot to loosen things up a bit! Haha!

So remember – if you’re feeling tense, nervous, or like your cheeks want to fall off from smiling too much – just Breathe, Stretch, Shake, Let It Go!

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5. Choose the right photographer

Here’s the kicker… I might not be the best fit for you. What I REALLY think matters most out of all of this is that you CLICK with your photographer.

If you’re nervous about posing – make sure they know how to direct you and help you get into flattering, comfortable, authentic poses.

If you’re wanting to have fun, make sure you get that spark of energy from your photographer.

If you’re wanting your photoshoot indoors, make sure they know what the F they’re doing with lighting.

I’ll be honest with you – there’s no such thing as “photogenic”. Truly. Being “photogenic” is actually just a collaboration between photographer and subject who are working together to create authentic images of personality & heart.

Want to know if we’re a good fit? There’s a couple of options you have for next steps… either A: email or call me. I’d love to chat! Or B: go stalk me a bit on my About Me page, or my Facebook or Instagram and then decide if you wanna connect.

All in all – what I want is to help lift up other businesses through photography. I want to boost your brand in the visual world. I want to help you connect with your clients on a personal level – and your images can be the virtual handshake to start that relationship.

This isn’t about me taking photos… this is about me helping other badass business owners up-level their brand, tell their story and SHINE like the lion-hearted unicorn that they are! 

So – if after all that you want to connect – head here. I can’t wait to meet you!

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Bridget Dvorak