What is Branding Photography and why do I need it?

Ever since I started my business back in 2010 I took notice of how powerful photography can be for a business. Creative, intentional, and beautiful photography can truly move the needle for a brand and make them stand out from other businesses. 

I want to put that power to grow in your hands! 

I want to guide you through how custom branding photography can be the next level up for your business… yup, I’m talking about the Super Mario mushroom secret for your business. Boop Boop Boop Boop (can you feel it!?)

What is Branding photography and why do I need it.png

It’s 2020 - This day-in-age, your brand is more than a logo. 

Your brand is what people FEEL about you. It is the experience your customers have with you from beginning to end - every single time. It is what makes you unique and stand apart from other businesses. 

It is what makes your customers come back time and time again because they get that warm-fuzzy-hell-yes feeling inside when they interact with you. 

Font + colors + logo + design + photography = visual brand image

Once you have all of your technical pieces together, the thing that pulls it all together is brand photography. 

Did you know that 65% of the population are visual learners? Yuppers. That means that imagery is more important than ever to communicate your brand. Take a moment to think about all of the places you use photography in your business. Your website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, brochures, marketing materials, presentations, ads, blogs, business cards, and probably more. 

Your brand imagery is a full representation of your business. This is a much deeper dive than just a headshot. We create beautiful images that showcase your vibe - your heart - your people - your passion - your product - your BRAND. 

Here’s a peek at some branding images I created for the Colorado Horse Council.

Why do I need to be the face of my business?

Your headshot is your visual handshake. It is SO important to have a professional headshot. That iPhone photo against a white wall isn’t doing you justice. Having professional photos of yourself will set you apart from the newbies, hobbyists, and those not willing to put in the time or cost for beautiful photography. You are the real deal. You’re a legitimate business that cares about having a cohesive brand experience for your customers. 

With how many visuals we see on a daily basis it is SO important to show up in your business - yes, I mean your actual face showing up in your business content. Marketing studies found that customers converted 35% more when faced with an original photo than they did with a stock photo. Having authentic, curated images of yourself and your team will create trust and a relationship between you and your customers before you ever meet. 

But I hate having my picture taken.

Ok - first off - you’re the BOMB DOT COM. So stop doubting it. I am here to help create an environment that you can have fun in. Where you can let loose and be yourself! That’s the whole point! I want to capture the real you. Whether that be calm, reserved, and poised or if that be bubbly, spunky and loud - THAT is the you we want on camera. 

It might be hard to overcome the fear of being in front of a camera, so I would suggest focusing on the bigger picture (pun intended). Think about the relationship and genuine image you’re putting out to your clients. Imagine meeting them for the first time and they feel like they already know you. How comforting to get that awkward first time introduction out of the way!

I’ve got you. For real. Let’s chat. About all the big scary reasons you don’t want your photo taken. About the parts of you that you adore. About what you want to provide to your clients. We’ll get through it together. Let’s put on some Lizzo and feel Good As Hell baby! 

Why can’t I just use stock photography?

I thought we already went over this darlin’. Custom branding photography is what gives you an edge. It’s what makes you YOU. Using stock photography will create an inconsistent visual representation of your brand. Plus - how crushing is it to see the same stock photo you chose for a Facebook ad on SOMEONE ELSE’S Facebook ad too! GAHHHH THE WORST! 

And again - I’ll say it louder for those in the back - marketing studies found that customers converted 35% more when faced with an original photo than they did with a stock photo. Custom photography builds trust, authenticity, expectations and confidence in your brand with your customers. 

Let’s wrap this up…

If you’re looking to take your brand to the next level, I’ve got the Super Mario mushrooms you need to grow. I would love to work with you to find what makes you unique and craft how to best communicate that visually. Go ahead and shoot me an email here, or book a call if you wanna chat! TTYS!

Bridget Dvorak